I got burned out on the various Modern Warfare/Call of Duty FPS titles a while back and decided I wasn't going to buy anymore of them for a while, but I recently saw the TV spot for Call of Duty: Black Ops and found it pretty entertaining. It mixed in a little game footage but mostly it showed various regular people playing soldier blowing away stuff. Lots of big explosions and the Stones' "Gimme Shelter" playing in the background - that equals a good commercial for me. And Jimmy Kimmel's RPG said "Proud Noob" on it - amusing. I'm still probaby not going to buy the game - at least not for a good long while - but they almost got me.

That's pretty good! I hadn't seen that yet. Jimmy Kimmel shooting the Noob Tube!
I bought it and so far am digging it.
I never understood why FPS veterans got so down on RPGs, hand grenades, the hammer, etc. Hey all's fair in love and war man!
I don't know. I use them. They're in the game.
They also have a problem with camping as if real war involves just running and gunning.
Yeah the so-called "hardcore" guys think it's only legit if you only run around using a regular gun. Well screw that noise. If I have an RPG 40 yards away from a dude with a sidearm - he loses. Like you said, if they're in the game they're legit.
I could use another game that I can't find time to play!
Yeah I really need to knock a few off my queue too before I add any more new ones.
PO, you're welcome to play any of the games I've loaned MadPlanet. Plus, I was going to bring a few more with me at Thanksgiving to add to your backlog misery.
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