Another little arcade video from that I'm retweeting - except I don't tweet so...
Come to think of it - why the hell DID Donkey Kong always climb away with the girl? What was he afraid of? Never really thought about it - but makes no sense at all.
Do these Dorkly videos look choppy for you guys? Sometimes the embedded video does for me, but not natively on their page. Didn't know if it was just me and my trusty 286 or everybody.

The mother of all tweets!
(BTW, videeo looks fine)
Speaking of tweets, I've been checking yours out lately too Gnome. You must spend a tremendous amount of time and effort given your various media avenues - blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Impressive dedication - I salute you!
It was choppy for me.
Damn! And I just watched it again and it looked fine for me this time. Try it again Fallguy40 and see if it is any better the second time. Were the other Dorkly vids choppy for you too?
Might have to stop embedding those.
oh hey FG, maybe you don't have the newest version of Flash Player installed? I updated mine a while back and maybe that was what made the difference - I dunno.
I updated flash player and it's better but still a little choppy. My home computer is an outdated POS though, so that's probably the issue.
@ MadPlanet: Thanks for the salute. Truth be said, I'm working from home and blogging does feel like a break, despite irritating my dear partner. She just can't see what the point is, though definitely enjoys the game dev meetings at our place. That's something...
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