OK - I'm risking insult from Pungent Onion by mailing it in with another "look at this embedded video about Street Fighter II that I found" but screw it.
If you never played Street Fighter II well you probably won't find this little video amusing at all (looks around room warily for Onion), but if you DID play it you will recall the wonderful bonus rounds woven in between battles where you tried to either a) beat the hell out of a parked car or b) smash barrels that rolled down at you from elevated ramps.
The whimsical guys over at Dorkly spun the former off into a little video with Blanka as a meter maid that I thought was amusing. I've got to learn how to make my own animations so I can do stuff like this.

It's funny how you can simply tap the light punch button and watch that wreck falling into pieces while the score goes above the ceiling. I really enjoy using Blanka, expecially because those "only Ryu and Ken" players tend to suffer him sooooo much...
Hey Mik - haven't heard from you in a while.
I didn't ONLY play Ken but admittedly I did play him most of the time. He's the only one that I knew some of the special moves well enough to use them consistently. And Blanka did give me some trouble sometimes although if I recall correctly Guile gave me more problems than Blanka for some reason.
Oops - not Ken. I meant Ryu - I was usually Ryu. Although of course Ken was just his blonde American twin...
Yeah, having to mess with some great SFII players I must admit that Guile can be a real pain in the arse if used correctly. Then again, I once saw a guy that could beat any human opponent using Zangief, without being hit at all... Probably the same guy would tell you that Ken and Ryu are totally different characters, but he's kinda weird (well, REALLY weird indeed), and it's hard to argue when you say that, yes, they're twins with different hair style.
Yeah - I suppose any of the characters could dominate depending on who was at the controls.
I tried Zangief a few times but was quickly and easily dispatched every time.
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