Once again the guys over at Botchweed pointed me to a pretty cool video. This guy used percussive sounds (and just a little electric buzz) from his original Game Boy to make a music video in the same spirit as those guys from Stomp that do it live with trash can lids and paper bags etc. Check it out.

Very nice...love the coin on the side ridges!
yeah I just noticed that last night and then once I noticed it on the video my ears picked it out on the tune. Before I specifically listened for it it just blended in with the rest of the rhythm. Pretty good stuff.
Loved it!
I thought it was pretty nifty too. Feeling inspired to make some music with your Lynx?
Uhm I did give it a try you know, but it seems it's no harmonica. Damn!
I'd comment about this guy having too much time on his hands, but then I would just have to admit I was jealous that I didn't have that kind of time and creative talent.
Time is the critical factor. Wish I had more of it myself. I don't think I would be one of those immortals who was searching for a way to die because living had become tiresome - I'm pretty sure I could find a whole bunch of ways to entertain myself. Well, at least for a few thousand years. After that who knows.
Did you know I was born in the highlands of Scotland?
oh and Gnome - just keep blowin on it. Eventually it'll make some kinda noise you can use for a tune. :)
I've tried everything. EVERYTHING!
Oh, and I did get a harmonica a while back and recently bought an instructional DVD and book. I'll be giving it a shot this weekend!
Okay, sorry for hijacking the thread....back to games.
OK this just settled my next semi-randomly selected game - the Blues Brothers.
Since this is a Game Boy (ish) thread I should probably play the GB version but I think I'll roll with the emulated Amiga version instead.
meh never mind. played a bit and didn't grab me...
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