
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eaten By A Grue Achievement/Trophy

MadPlanet recently showed off some clever advertising for Call of Duty: Black Ops, but the cold war-era shooter has a few other gems for us as well. You can actually play Zork from within the game! And if you're a trophy whore like me, you will be rewarded for your retro-gaming efforts.


  1. What the heck? Nice nod to the all-powerful classic. I wonder if you can play the entire game. And if so if you get another trophy for completing it.

  2. I'm not sure on either question but I just played Zork for about 15minutes before quitting. It looks like the whole game might be there.

  3. Did you try "DOA"? I read that opens up a Smash TV-esque arcade minigame.

  4. I haven't heard of that. I 'll give it a go next time I log in on the game.

  5. Ok, I checked out the Dead Ops arcade game. It is very Smash TV.

    I give props to Treyarch for provided an FPS with so many modes:
    1. single player campain
    2. multiplayer
    3. zombies
    4. arcade game
    5. text adventure

  6. I unlocked another interesting version of zombie mode when I completed the campaign: you can play zombie mode as JFK, Nixon, Fidel Castro and former JFK/LBJ Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara.

  7. those are nice little additions to put it a bit apart from being just another generic MW type shooter.
