I just came across this website called Retro Uprising which allows you to play all kinds of old arcade and console games through your browser. To play some of them (mostly arcade games) you have to install ArcadeOX which is an application that allows windows applications to be run through your browser - and that sounds like a security risk to me so I didn't risk installing it. And some games were too laggy to play - but some worked well.
I did notice they had a bunch of old Infocom text games on there that you could play if you like and those worked fine. So check it out and run the java games just beware about installing anything.

I'll check it out
I've been checking out the website. There are definitely some cool things on here. I played a little Colecovision and Sega Genesis. Now I'm trying to decide which text adventure to play.
genesis I understand but I'm intrigued by your choice of Colecovision. You never owned one did you? Odd coincidence - in a Family Guy episode the night after I read your post Peter pulled a Colecovision out of his belly button while cleaning it out. Try Beamrider - that's a pretty good CV game that holds up fairly well. Let me know which text adventure you want to hit and I'll hit it at the same time so we can compare notes.
I didn't have a Colecovision but I had a couple of friends who did. I played Donkey Kong which was the best port of its time and a couple of original games: Smurfs and BC Quest for Tires (or something like that). For some reason, one of my friends had those games. The main thing I remember about Colecovision is that they advertised a game called Tunnels and Trolls that we were all excited about but I don't think it was ever released.
I've actually tried out Smurfs and BC's Quest for Tires on the cab before. Wasn't too impressed by them but of course they would have been more impressive back in the day. I pulled up the demo for Tunnels and Trolls on the cab - all it was was the title screen for the Coleco Adam then a title screen with a dragon flying around it. Yeah apparently they never actually made anything beyond that.
Interesting site.
One could avoid the security risk by using a virtual PC to run the application in. Then if something bad happens it only happens to the virtual machine. You might want to try that sometime so you can write up a review of those ports.
Good idea. I've been wanting to check out running a Virtual PC for a long time to run an alternate OS I wasn't aware it would actually be able to isolate a security risk to only the virtual PC. I'll have to check that out.
but as far as reviewing those ports - I've got them all on the cab already to play offline. I just thought the site was kinda cool. You can compete for high scores and track your games completed etc.
Just discovered this brand new virtual Gameroom, and I must say I'm more than impressed. Excellent work MadPlanet!
Thanks Gnome - stop by any time. You sold me on that Replay book by the way - I'm about to order a copy.
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